14 Level of proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Expert Progression Relying on support from others Building independence Taking responsibility Driving transformation, innovation and growth Under direct supervision. With reduced support from others, some autonomy and together with my peers. On my own and together with my peers. Taking and sharing some responsibilities With some guidance and together with others. Taking responsibility for making decisions and working with others. Taking responsibility for contributing to complex developments in a specific field. Contributing substantially to the development of a specific field. Discover Explore Experiment Dare Improve Reinforce Expand Transform Competence Hint Descriptor Thread Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 1: IDEAS AND OPPORTUNITIES 1.2 Creativity Develop creative and purposeful green and sustainable ideas. Develop eco-friendly and green industry business ideas and opportunities to create value, that protect environment at the same time. Include green solutions and existing environmental challenges. Therefore, explore and experiment with corporate social responsibility (CSR) approaches. Combine green knowledge and sustainable resources to achieve green valuable effects. Be environmentally innovative. I can find examples of innovative and green products, services and solutions. I can describe how some green innovations have transformed society and environment. I can tell the difference between types of sustainable innovations (for example, green process versus green product innovation and social innovation, incremental versus disruptive innovation). I can judge if an green idea, product or process is innovative and sustainable or just new to me. I can describe how green innovations diffuse in society, culture, the market and environment. I can describe different levels of green innovation (for example, incremental, breakthrough or transformational) and their role in value-creating activities in an ecofriendly way. I can identify the steps needed to research the potential for an green innovative idea in light of its eco-friendly development into an existing enterprise, a new venture or an opportunity for social and environmental change. I can manage green innovation processes that respond to emerging environmental needs and make the most of opportunities as they become available.