18 Level of proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Expert Progression Relying on support from others Building independence Taking responsibility Driving transformation, innovation and growth Under direct supervision. With reduced support from others, some autonomy and together with my peers. On my own and together with my peers. Taking and sharing some responsibilities With some guidance and together with others. Taking responsibility for making decisions and working with others. Taking responsibility for contributing to complex developments in a specific field. Contributing substantially to the development of a specific field. Discover Explore Experiment Dare Improve Reinforce Expand Transform Competence Hint Descriptor Thread Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 1: IDEAS AND OPPORTUNITIES 1.5 Ethical and sustainable thinking Assess the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities and actions. To be able to think ethical and sustainable means to assess the consequences and impact of ideas, bring value and the effect of entrepreneurial action on the target community, the market, society and the environment. Reflect ethical on how sustainable long-term social, cultural and economic goals are, and the course of action chosen. It is a matter of the attitudes, behaviours, values and mind set that an entrepreneur should have to take ethical decisions and act sustainably. Ethically thinking entrepreneur does not just have profit but also the people and planet in mind and act therefore responsible. Behave ethically. I can recognise behaviours that show integrity, honesty, responsibility, courage and commitment. I can describe in my own words the importance of integrity and ethical and sustainable values. I can apply ethical and sustainable thinking to consumption and production green processes. I am driven by honesty and integrity when taking decisions. I can argue that green ideas for creating environmental value should be supported by ethics and values relating to gender, equality, fairness, social justice and environmental sustainability. I can take responsibility For promoting ethical behaviour in my area of influence, (for example, by promoting gender balance, highlighting inequalities and any lack of integrity, environmental influence). I make it my priority to make sure that ethical behaviour is respected and promoted in my area of influence. I take action against unethical behaviour. Think sustainably I can list examples of environmentally friendly behaviour that benefits a community. I can recognise examples of environmentally friendly behaviour by companies that creates value for society as a whole. I can identify practices that are not sustainable and their implications for the environment. I can produce a clear problem statement when faced with practices that are not sustainable. I can discuss the impact an organisation has on the environment (and vice versa). I can discuss the relationship between society and technical developments, relating to their implications for the environment. I can choose adequate and sustainable methods for analysing environmental impact based on their advantages and disadvantages. I can contribute to selfregulation discussions within my sector of operations.