Green EntreComp Booklet EN

33 Level of proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Expert Progression Relying on support from others Building independence Taking responsibility Driving transformation, innovation and growth Under direct supervision. With reduced support from others, some autonomy and together with my peers. On my own and together with my peers. Taking and sharing some responsibilities With some guidance and together with others. Taking responsibility for making decisions and working with others. Taking responsibility for contributing to complex developments in a specific field. Contributing substantially to the development of a specific field. Discover Explore Experiment Dare Improve Reinforce Expand Transform Competence Hint Descriptor Thread Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 3: INTO ACTION 3.2 Planning and Management Prioritise, organise and follow up. Set long-, medium- and short-term goals that balance value creation and impact. Define, monitor, priorities and action plans. Adapt to unforeseen changes. Define goals I can clarify what my sustainable goals are in a simple value-creating activity. I can identify alternative goals to create value in a simple context. I can describe my sustainable goals for the future in line with my strengths, ambitions, visions, interests and achievements. I can set and balance short-term goals that I can act on. I can act on as well as sustainable impact. I can define environmentally sustainable long-term goals arising from the vision for my (or my team’s) valuecreating activity. I can match shortterm, mid-term and long-term goals to the vision for my (or my team’s) value-creating activity to achieve a sustainable impact. I can design a strategy to achieve goals in line with my (or my team’s) vision and sustainable impact. I can manage the balance between the need for creativity, sustainable impact and for control so that my organisation’s capacity to achieve its goals is protected and nurtured. Plan and organize. I can carry out a simple plan for value-creating activities. I can deal with a range of simple tasks at the same time without feeling uncomfortable. I can create an action plan which identifies the necessary steps to achieve my goals. I can allow for the possibility of changes to my plans. I can summarize the basics of project management. I can apply the basics of project management in managing a value- creating activity and its impacts. I can develop and stick to a detailed project management plan, adjusting to changing circumstances to make sure goals are reached and impacts monitored. I can design managerial procedures to effectively deliver value and monitor impact in challenging circumstances. Develop sustainable business plans. I can develop a business model for my idea. I can define the key elements that make up the business model necessary to deliver the value and impact I have identified. I can develop a business plan based on the model, describing how to achieve the value and impact identified. I can organize my value-creating activities using planning methods such as business, ESG and marketing plans. I can keep my planning methods updated and adapt them to changing circumstances. I can adapt my value-creating activity’s business model to face new challenges.