34 Level of proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Expert Progression Relying on support from others Building independence Taking responsibility Driving transformation, innovation and growth Under direct supervision. With reduced support from others, some autonomy and together with my peers. On my own and together with my peers. Taking and sharing some responsibilities With some guidance and together with others. Taking responsibility for making decisions and working with others. Taking responsibility for contributing to complex developments in a specific field. Contributing substantially to the development of a specific field. Discover Explore Experiment Dare Improve Reinforce Expand Transform Competence Hint Descriptor Thread Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 3: INTO ACTION 3.2 Planning and Management Prioritise, organise and follow up. Set long-, medium- and short-term goals that balance value creation and impact. Define, monitor, priorities and action plans. Adapt to unforeseen changes. Define priorities. I can recall the order of steps that was needed in a simple value-creating activity I took part in. I can identify the basic steps that are needed in a value-creating activity. I can prioritize the basic steps in a value-creating activity. I can set my own priorities and act on I can define the priorities to meet my (or my team’s) vision. I can stay focused on the priorities set, despite changing circumstances. I can define priorities in uncertain circumstances, with partial or ambiguous information. I can differentiate high impact and low impact priorities and balance the needs of the value creating activity and the impact on Environment, Society. Monitor your progress. I can recognize how much progress I have made on a task. I can monitor whether a task is going to plan. I can identify different types of data that are necessary for monitoring the progress and impact of a simple value-creating activity. I can set basic milestones and observation indicators to monitor the progress and impact of my valuecreating activity. I can describe different methods for performance and impact monitoring. I can define what data is needed to monitor how effective and impactful my valuecreating activities are and an appropriate way to collect them. I can develop the performance and impact indicators I (or my team) need to monitor progress towards a successful outcome in changing circumstances. I can design and put in place a data-collection plan to monitor whether my venture is achieving its aims. Be flexible and adapt to changes. I am open to changes. I can confront and deal with changes in a constructive way. I can change my plans based on the needs of my team. I can adapt my plans to achieve my goals in light of changes that are outside my control. I can embrace change that brings new opportunities for value creation I can anticipate and include change along the value-creating process. I can use the results of monitoring to adjust vision, aims, priorities, resource planning, impact, action steps or any other aspect of the value- creating process. I can communicate effectively to the organization the reason for changes and adjustments.