Green EntreComp Booklet EN

36 Level of proficiency Foundation Intermediate Advanced Expert Progression Relying on support from others Building independence Taking responsibility Driving transformation, innovation and growth Under direct supervision. With reduced support from others, some autonomy and together with my peers. On my own and together with my peers. Taking and sharing some responsibilities With some guidance and together with others. Taking responsibility for making decisions and working with others. Taking responsibility for contributing to complex developments in a specific field. Contributing substantially to the development of a specific field. Discover Explore Experiment Dare Improve Reinforce Expand Transform Competence Hint Descriptor Thread Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 3: INTO ACTION 3.4 Working with others Team up, collaborate and network Work together and co-operate with others to develop ideas and effectuate value-creation and positive impact. Create networks to maximize returns and impact. Solve conflicts considering all stakeholders’ unique perspectives and face up to competition positively when necessary. Accept Diversity People’s Differences I can show respect for others, their background and I am open to the worth that others can bring to value creating activities. I can combine selectively and creatively different contributions to create value. I can value diversity as a possible source of ideas and opportunities for improvements. I can support diversity and inclusion activities within my team or organization I can support diversity within my team or organisation. Outside of my organisation, I can find ideas that create value and make the most of them. Develop Emotional Intelligence I can show empathy towards others. I can recognise the role of my emotions, attitudes and behaviours in shaping others people’s attitudes and behaviours and vice versa. I can convey and express my (or my team’s) valuecreating ideas assertively and convincingly. I can face and solve conflicts constructively and in balance. I can negotiate, balance the needs of all sides and compromise where necessary. I can deal with non-assertive behaviour that hinders my (or my team’s) value -creating activities by encouraging others to be open and persuading them to gain their support I can manage conflicts effectively considering all unique stakeholders’ perspectives in the conciliation process. Listen Actively I can show empathy towards others. I can discuss the benefits of listening to other people’s ideas for achieving my (or my team’s) goals. I can listen to other people’s ideas for creating value with a positive attitude. I can listen to my endusers investing in effective feedback mechanisms empathize with their perspectives and needs.. I can describe different techniques for managing relationships with end users. I can put in place strategies to actively listen to my end users and act on their shifting needs and values. I can pull together information from a wide range of sources to understand my end users’ needs and to reflect them into my organization’s vision.